Tristano and Bauer enjoyed a natural synergy in their style and approach.
The two companies had timber holdings side-by-side and there was a natural synergy from this merger.
"There's just such a natural synergy between these sports."
"Rather than determine where a natural synergy exists, the city has tried to scatter back offices through the outer boroughs like buckshot," he said.
As brothers they were able to harness a natural synergy which was the primary key to their success.
Supply Chain Management and Revenue Management have many natural synergies.
Still, it looks like a natural synergy, especially given that both video games and blockbuster movies appeal to the same core audience of teenagers and young adults.
"All these things run on Russian oil, and Russian ownership makes for a natural synergy."
The sound waves it generates interfere with the natural synergy of ear-brain patterns to create a disorienting sensation.
The field has a natural synergy with digital history, with its emphasis on access and broad participation in the creation of historical knowledge.