Despite its natural timidity and the distress that other beings' anger, fear and pain cause it, Prilicla uses its empathic ability in prolonged searches for survivors of space combat and accidents.
Although Lauren had been experiencing great courage lately, every so often her natural timidity came rushing back.
Several circumstances increased my natural timidity.
The natural timidity of man is, I find, attractive.
It falls to us, sir, to overcome Norrell's natural timidity and aversion to praise, and lead him triumphantly before a wider public!
His conventional training, however, overcame his natural timidity.
It was her natural nervous timidity which saved her.
Hence this was a case where duty counteracted Traymer's natural timidity.
Moltke, initially so confident of quick and overwhelming victory, now had uncertainty added to his natural timidity.
Put it down to my timidity," she said with hurried evasiveness; "to a woman's natural timidity when the crisis comes.