This study is significant as it illustrates the increased generalization, or continued natural use of a learned skill.
New research is also focusing on the use of light, both natural and artificial, to treat sleep disorders.
Reducing debt, the government argues, is a natural use for these funds.
So much for the general account for how (as I see it) meaning is achieved in the natural use of language.
If certain spaces in this coded message could be designated as blanks, they would serve their natural use.
He puts his body chemistry to its natural use.
Thus, a natural use of the turbocharger is with aircraft engines.
A natural use of the turbocharger is with aircraft engines.
In other contexts "authenticity" means natural, spontaneous use of the language but this is in practice a difficult line to draw with video materials.
It was not in the circumstances a natural use of the land to plant on it a poisonous tree.