Long ago, America set out to democratize the sublime, to provide motorized access to the great natural vistas across the country.
Waterfront properties can be found well inland from the coasts, as the many lakes and rivers offer their own natural vistas.
Sleepy villages, pretty market towns, stunning natural vistas and stately homes pepper the landscape.
"We are losing arguably the most culturally universal and historically pristine of all natural vistas," it warned.
The sight of a helicopter was rare enough to distract tourists from the natural vistas to concentrate on spotting this "bird."
The holiday is meant to encourage the planting and cultivation of natural vistas celebrated in Japan's art but rare in its cities.
This is extreme disruption of its ecological calm and natural vistas.
The most scenic locations for golf courses are often the same natural vistas that conservationists most want to preserve.
He was thinking of vast natural vistas that dismantle our reason.
The American cultural heritage should be as protected as its natural resources and natural vistas.