"I don't think the Socialist Party has a stronger man or such a natural-born leader."
Many believed that the natural-born leader would not remain as Bokassa's right-hand man for much longer.
We did come up with the idea, of course, but we both knew from our military experience that we weren't natural-born leaders.
He was a team player all the way, a natural-born leader, a people pe I rson.
Described as handsome and soft-spoken, Pierpont was a bright, natural-born leader.
"I think she's a natural-born leader," she said.
General Nazarov is a natural-born leader of the Soviet Red Army.
Friends and colleagues would later describe Davis as quiet, calm, reserved, and a natural-born leader.
Brion is depicted as a natural-born leader from an early age, well-trained by his father to be a strong and decisive monarch.
Brady was, above all, known in the underworld as a charismatic "natural-born leader" and enjoyed a loyal following.