To buy those beans requires a trip to a natural-food store.
They are available in natural-food stores and Indian markets.
The recipes here may require a trip to an Asian market, but natural-food stores may carry some items, too.
Organically grown fruits and vegetables, as well as more processed foods, can be found in natural-food stores.
I have bought them from supermarkets and natural-food stores alike.
He needed to be within an easy drive of Earthlight Food, a natural-food store he took over from his brother.
In many respects the supermarket has pre-empted the natural-food store.
But if you want to experiment, here are a few basics: * Juices can be bought at natural-food stores.
Look for red lentils in Indian markets or natural-food stores.
In natural-food stores, buy grains, pasta and beans from the bulk bins.