He stages naturalistic performances with a leisurely pace instead of a quick postmodern mood, which would have served the play better.
The film contains what many critics regard as Gina Lollobrigida's best and most naturalistic performance.
Yet Ms. Wilson, who can camp with the best of them when asked, gives a touching, fiercely naturalistic performance as the now bedridden Edith.
His naturalistic performance led to director Fred Zinnemann's being asked, "Where did you find a soldier who can act so well?"
But for the most part, Paul Laverty's screenplay and the strong, naturalistic performances lend it a specificity that sets it apart.
Schuyler has always aimed for naturalistic performances from her young actors, an aesthetic she traces to her roots as a junior-high-school teacher in the 70's.
At her debut, the audience sat in stunned silence as she ushered in a new style of naturalistic performance.
The naturalistic performances have earned good notices.
It was the first film created under Dogme 95 rules, a movement of young Danish filmmakers who preferred simple production values and naturalistic performances.
His is the less naturalistic performance.