The toxin naturally accumulates in liver cells, and the ensuing disruption of metabolism accounts for the severe liver dysfunction cause by amatoxins.
Cancerous tumors characteristically have extensive angiogenesis and leaky vasculatures, which causes the PEG-liposomes to naturally accumulate in the tumor.
Under normal conditions during toddy collection this sucrose will ferment without aid, due to yeasts that naturally accumulate in the toddy.
In many cases this will be a silt or naturally accumulating material that forms in the base of some hole or trench before its function is realized.
This forces warm air off the ceiling, where it naturally accumulates, to lower levels where it can be felt more readily.
Iodine-123 (half-life 13 hours) is the isotope of choice for nuclear medicine imaging of the thyroid gland, which naturally accumulates all iodine isotopes.
There are some places where magic naturally accumulates.
But many gardeners in northern climates never worry about any winter mulches and allow tree leaves to accumulate over plants naturally.
Subsequently many scientific authors have repeated the observation that cancerous cells naturally accumulate porphyrins and have characterised a number of mechanisms to explain it.
The liver is a primary storage area for iron and will naturally accumulate excess iron.