Notes that begin loudly and diminuendo are ideally down-bowed - from frog to tip - allowing pressure on the string to decrease naturally.
The velocity of the fluid or gas will naturally decrease as it gets closer to the wall and farther from the center.
Therefore, this type of humidifier is self-regulating: As the humidity of the room increases, the water vapor output naturally decreases.
As a partner, I continued to receive a base salary, but my income depended on the fees I generated, which naturally decreased during the time I wasn't working.
Distance naturally decreases intimacy, and appropriate language must be used to communicate deference and avoid offending the other party.
As their small intestines produce less lactase, most people naturally decrease the amount of lactose they eat or drink.
Urging the government to "remove these barriers," Mr. Sohn said that companies that go into banking "will naturally decrease their interest in existing business."
Maximum sustained winds will naturally decrease as the cyclone moves inland due to frictional differences between water and land with the free atmosphere.
As the leaf dehydrates, the coronas will naturally decrease in variability and intensity.
A woman's level of the hormone estrogen, which affects the growth and loss of bone, decreases naturally during and after menopause.