By far, the most predominant malt beverage is beer (naturally fermented barley sugars flavored with hops), of which there are two main styles: ale and lager.
"Fizz" - 4.7% strength naturally fermented cider of pear, strawberry, blackberry, tangerine, and other tastes.
With 65 varieties of naturally fermented bread, he built up a 35 percent share of the New Zealand market.
In Norway, cider (sider) is a naturally fermented apple juice.
Ghost Deer (28% ABV) - the world's strongest naturally fermented beer.
A particular use of sour cherries is in the production of kriek lambic, a cherry-flavored variety of a naturally fermented beer made in Belgium.
Tasmanian Aborigines and stockmen are reported to have drunk the intoxicating, naturally fermented sap.
They practice abstinence from alcohol, other than the naturally fermented wine which they make themselves, and both illegal and pharmaceutical drugs, so as to stay within the cycles of life.
Palm-wine music was named after a drink, palm wine, made from the naturally fermented sap of the oil palm, which was drunk at gatherings where early African guitarists played.
Myungjak ogaja - This is a naturally fermented wine from Ogaja (Siberian Ginseng's Fruit).