"We're going to see a lot of technology become more naturally integrated into the environment and more universally accessible," he predicts.
With growing numbers of black, Asian and Hispanic residents, parts of the city have become more naturally integrated, Mayor John Spencer said.
Monist (law), an approach that hold both international law and domestic law as naturally integrated.
It has been spared much of the city's turmoil because it is more naturally integrated and has some subsidized housing.
From the beginning of the race, Mr. Lazio has effortlessly and naturally integrated them into his campaign, letting them quietly speak to his stature as a family man.
In this way the humidification process is naturally integrated within the architecture of the greenhouse.
Moreover, many black politicians take issue with the mayor's claim that the city has integrated naturally over the years and that the desegregation case is no longer relevant.
Human rights must be integrated into the EU's activities naturally: in aid, in trade, in economic, cultural and political cooperation.
We need a coordinated, credible and consistent strategy that is integrated naturally into the EU's other activities.
By the late 1990s, Roosevelt was the only comprehensive public high school in the city considered to be naturally integrated, with a population classified as 75% black, 17% white, 6% Asian, and 2% Hispanic.