It is unfair to make your kind react to an emotion it doesn't possess naturally.
When the incarnation from those higher worlds happening, they naturally possess all pervading quality in this world.
Gordon is written as having a genius-level intellect and naturally possessing a photographic memory.
Early alter-egos appear to naturally possess this color, though concealment of it is shown eventually to be possible.
I presume that professional clairvoyants, for instance, have some method of teaching or training to bring out the powers which they naturally possess.
Today, Shimer said he naturally possessed low levels of epitestosterone.
Courage and stamina are two qualities they must naturally possess.
Also, Isabel "did not naturally possess much patience or notable powers of endurance.
But fish do not naturally possess the physical traits that humans use to convey emotions.
They say that courses to develop "perfect pitch" do not produce, even after years of practice, the facility that some children possess naturally.