His naval buildup offered a chance even for the very poor to participate, as rowers, in the profitable employment.
In its prewar opposition to the naval buildup and the extension of the Alliance.
Both men had on misguided principle opposed any prewar naval buildup and allowed the Army to go to seed.
The main purpose of the current naval buildup is to add to air forces.
He said the funding would add to the already heavy burden of a general French military and naval buildup and would lead to bankruptcy.
And he's big in steel mills, heavy engineering-a naval buildup will be like a license to print money, to him.
The act will give Congress 60 days in which to support the President or, in the absence of a plausible policy, halt the naval buildup.
But in view of the American naval buildup, the latest attacks guaranteed global attention.
Instead the money was spent on a naval buildup, another Interest recommendation.
And it's going to cut into his ability to continue his naval buildup, as well.