Small lead-cooled fast reactors used for naval propulsion, particularly by the Soviet Navy.
This design is the basis for nearly all of the US nuclear-powered submarine and surface combat ships, and was adapted by other countries for naval nuclear propulsion.
Examples of compartmented material would include information about nuclear warheads, fusion, and naval nuclear propulsion.
There are about 2,000 tonnes (t, Mg) of highly enriched uranium in the world, produced mostly for nuclear weapons, naval propulsion, and smaller quantities for research reactors.
Leading nuclear physicist Philip Abelson (1913-2004) turned his attention under the guidance of Ross Gunn to applying nuclear power to naval propulsion.
After the war, he turned his attention under the guidance of Ross Gunn to applying nuclear power to naval propulsion.
The name of Jeumont is associated with several companies making heavy electrical equipment for wind turbines, nuclear reactors and naval propulsion.
The main target was to provide mechanical energy in factories and for naval propulsion.
Sullivan's major contributions to the Navy's future directions include the advent of naval nuclear propulsion.
Key inventions in both naval propulsion and commercial nuclear power plants.