Admiral Yi was an excellent naval strategist.
You can't get from one planet to the other without them, they're what naval strategists call choke points.
As a naval strategist, the Far North appealed to Churchill for intervention.
You may just be the greatest naval strategist since John Paul Jones.
One does not have to be a naval strategist to realize that any Gulf operation would have to include minesweepers.
Bismarck was ousted from power in 1890 and German naval strategists again turned their attention to the Caribbean.
Japanese naval strategists since the early 1900s had planned for a defensive war in the Pacific, with the U.S. Navy as their main opponent.
A number of naval and maritime strategists have questioned the need for a fourth boat.
During this period the ship was commanded by Alfred Thayer Mahan, already famous as a naval strategist.
Nor was the destroyer screen calculated to inspire confidence among the naval strategists at Whitehall.