There is now a substantial network of interconnecting, fully navigable canals across the country.
This canal was Australia's first navigable canal, and the work was completed in 12 days.
It was the first navigable canal on current Romanian territory.
During the medieval period the Great Whyte was a navigable canal that ran through the present road.
The private side is formed of three main bodies of water, connected by navigable canals.
The town is the home of the nation's first successful navigable canal as well as the oldest continuing institution of higher education for women.
The canal is one of the oldest navigable canals in Belgium and indeed in Europe.
Bangladesh is crisscrossed by hundreds of rivers in addition to 300 large navigable canals.
In the United States, navigable canals reached into isolated areas and brought them in touch with the world beyond.
There are now about 2,200 miles of navigable canals and rivers throughout the United Kingdom.