As a navigation exercise, the New Horizons spacecraft imaged it on January 10, 2007.
'We were woken at 10.30pm and told to put our kit on for three hours of night-time navigation exercises,' says Peter.
Two months of the unit's basic training, which focus on advanced urban navigation exercises and the beginning of counter-terrorism training.
It was experienced during a navigation exercise with Peter Binis Advanced Flight Training with master instructor Steve Pearce in January 2013.
During the spring of 1941 Strong was returning from a seven-hour navigation exercise when one of the two engines of his Whitley bomber caught fire.
They pay regular visits with Pilatus PC-9 training aircraft often staying overnight conducting circuits and cross-country navigation exercises.
The challenge takes the form of a daytime navigation exercise held in the Dartmoor National Park in the county of Devon, England.
It publishes a series of checkpoints from which a navigation exercise will deduce the best route to take.
Students follow a modified form of the Elementary Flying Syllabus covering the basics of flight up to solo navigation exercises.
This training, which includes ship's weapons exercises, damage control drills, and navigation exercises, ensures that Tampa remains a fully capable naval combatant in a time of war or other hostilities.