It is prominently marked on navigation maps for Dublin Bay dating to the 18th century.
Baedecker flipped open a navigation map and nodded.
Kwomais Point is marked on many early navigation maps and has long been used as a lookout point.
There are three scenes during a game: the navigation map, the battle map, and the end turn overview.
Invisiclues books were almost always packaged with the navigation map for the same given game.
The next day 11 more sailors were found on a foundering Japanese boat (along with a detailed navigation map of Japan).
The projection heralded a new era in the evolution of navigation maps and charts and it is still their basis.
The navigation maps are always up to date.
It was often shown in navigation maps because of its proximity to a major sea route in South China.
At his feet lay a crumpled brown paper bag full of navigation maps he had bought for the journey.