The question also figures in the criminal charges against the captain and the deliberations just beginning over what changes to navigation rules need to be made to prevent similar accidents.
Some even breached international navigation rules and switched their starboard and port lights in attempt to fool their opponents.
This navigation rule is codified in Part III of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Although not all countries have ratified the convention, most countries, including the U.S., accept these customary navigation rules as codified in the Convention.
Until a seaplane reaches a height greater than that of the Brooklyn Bridge's deck, it is considered a motor vessel and is required only to abide by navigation rules.
Marine Transportation (or Deck) students are in training to become deck officers and learn seamanship, ship navigation, cargo handling, navigation rules and maritime law.
Transportation students learn about ship navigation, cargo handling, navigation rules and maritime law.
And the navigation rules here make sense.
Neither Iran or the U.S. have ratified the convention, but the U.S. accepts the traditional navigation rules as reflected in the Convention.
Negligent operation, which is defined in the federal navigation rules.