Ladies generally wear coloured collars on their black or navy coats.
In a navy coat and cap, he looked like a midshipman in a ticker-tape parade.
Just beside them Benny noticed a blonde girl in a smart navy coat; despite the rain, she still looked elegant.
Nan wore the smart navy coat she had worn yesterday, but this time over a pale yellow wool dress.
Later they graduate to wearing navy blue scarves with a navy coat.
He entered his room, quickly shutting the door, shrugging off his navy coat.
Peter made quite a handsome little minister, in his navy blue coat, white collar, and neatly bowed tie.
Pat would not have been surprised to find he had wings under his navy blue coat.
Picks up my navy coat, cor don't they pick up the bits?
He wore a navy duffle coat with the hood down, and his baby-fine hair fluttered in the wind.