The strength of the navy commandos is put at 1,000.
"A former navy commando with an attitude as bad as his odor!"
The first four dead servicemen were Navy commandos, known as Seals.
Today, the French rescue mission, which included paratroopers and navy commandos, arrived in the city from the west almost precisely at noon.
"It's not over yet, son," Bolan told the young Navy commando.
Navy commandos and marines were then to seize the platforms and blow them up while avoiding oil spills.
Israeli Navy commandos, backed by combat helicopters and aircraft, surprised the crew and took over the vessel without firing a shot.
Do you have navy commandos?
South Korean navy commandos have stormed a cargo ship which had been seized by pirates in the Arabian Sea.
The Virginia Beach region is also home to hundreds of retired Navy commandos, many of whom run security firms or work in local police forces or government.