Mail deliverers there have seen a near doubling in the number of addresses per route, postal officials say.
This idea has been looked at before, but as it effectively involves a near doubling of guarantees the idea faces obvious resistance.
In dollar figures, the changes in the rules will mean a near doubling for the 83 percent of plans that are fully funded.
"Were it not for the near doubling of oil prices, food company share prices would be at their 52-week highs," she said.
Last year, Congress ordered a near doubling of ethanol sales by 2012.
All of this has led to a near doubling of the membership, to 15,899, from about 8,000 in July last year.
Its completion in 1974 resulted in a near doubling of the size of the library.
The major change has been a near doubling of independents who many Republicans believe are closet Democrats.
The "Second India" in the title refers to the near doubling of its population in the last 20 years.
Thus the near doubling of lumber prices should add only about 5 percent to housing costs.