This ring effectively provides near unlimited power to earth.
Dougie Alexander, proving why Labour should never be let near power again.
The batteries were near full power and the repair systems were finished with their tasks.
There has not been the slightest whiff of socialism anywhere near power since 1979.
It granted the Premier near absolute power, including the authority to order summary executions.
Mr. Sheehan said none of the shutdowns had occurred when the plant was at or near full power.
It looked like at least half the ship was in vacuum, and the other half looked too dark to be getting anywhere near normal power.
The country decided that that was an unmitigated disaster and should never be allowed anywhere near power again.
A single incubation chamber costs several thousand dollars and must be located near electric power.
The court was convened at will by the sovereign, and had near unlimited power over civil as well as church matters.