Jimmy turned through a side way that led near the Senatorial section of the castle.
The aircraft crashed near the northwest section of the airport about 30 minutes later .
Mike's suit was near the former section of ship.
However, when a station was opened near the section of the tracks that run through the city, many people started to live in the city.
We came from near the same section of country in Ohio, and his wife and her family had known me from childhood.
The architecture, like much of it in or near the Oriental section, was rather unusual.
Gen said it again in English and together the three of them walked to a tree near the very back section of wall.
This is near the large section still visible outside Termini Station.
I was in the back of the store, near the canned-food section, when she homes in.
The finger is shaped like a hook and holds onto the handle near the top section.