The near twins, which rise side by side from Whistler village and are skiable on one lift ticket, offer other impressive credentials.
South of Tarn Crag is another boggy col, separating the fell from its near twin, Grey Crag.
The Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri is (on the interior) its near architectural twin with about 500 fewer seats.
Neptune, which is Uranus's near twin in size and composition, radiates 2.61 times as much energy into space as it receives from the Sun.
The problem is a well-organized cabal that expresses itself through our union local and its near twin, the Faculty Senate.
Red Horn finds a twin in one of his sons, and a near twin in the other.
They was kinda surprised to find the folks here so primitive; their near identical twins in some of the other worlds were pretty well advanced.
The Livingstone Tower has a near identical twin in London.
Aside from being near twins, the Chevrolet and GMC pickups looked like nothing else on the road.
But it is a near twin of the Sun, astronomers reported on Tuesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society here.