Players seem to obstruct police, assault police and flee from police on a near-daily basis.
Nashi is provided enrichment on a near-daily basis, which consists of a stimulant to keep him active mentally and physically.
From there, Robbins stayed in touch with Simon Harrod on a near-daily basis.
A candid biography in which Eddy's graphic love letters to MacDonald are startling, but their relationship is meticulously documented at times on a near-daily basis.
Such statistical summaries were provided on a near-daily basis in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, even under an information policy then criticized by journalists as overly restrictive.
Since then, individually recognized baboons within the study groups have been followed on a near-daily basis.
And they all get together on a near-daily basis now for National Security Council meetings.
Hitting the gym on a near-daily basis is a necessary evil in the image conscious, superficial vortex of Hollywood where size zero frustratingly reigns supreme.
As might be expected, both sides have been vacuuming endorsements on a near-daily basis.
Segfault (1998-2001) was a popular humor website that posted fake news reports on hacker-related topics on a near-daily basis.