His near-fatal shooting in 1968 by Valerie Solanas, which is described in detail, ended the glorious first phase of his career.
The 24-year-old Daniels is trying to come back from drug problems and a near-fatal shooting.
Burns also describes in detail Valerie Solanas' near-fatal shooting of Warhol in 1968.
In the fourth season, Martin battled an addiction to prescription painkillers following his near-fatal shooting.
The near-fatal shooting of Warhol in 1968 hurt the club immeasurably.
Eventually, Kayo and Bobby, with a group of fellow Rebels, attacks the grocery store, resulting in the near-fatal shooting of Marvin by Bobby.
Since the near-fatal shooting of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by a deranged gunman in Tucson, Arizona last January there have been increasing calls for tighter gun control.
Responsible for a number of violent incidents, including the 1991 near-fatal shooting of the mayor of Nagasaki who stated that Emperor Hirohito was responsible for the war.
Two men have surrendered in connection with the near-fatal shooting of a 2-year-old girl in Brooklyn on Friday, police officials said yesterday.
Another multi-episode arc involved the near-fatal shooting of Patrolman Chris Thormann, which leaves the officer blind.