Following the attack, Syria understood that the news it had heard from Egypt of the near-total destruction of the Israeli military could not have been true.
Following the creature's trail - a wide swath of near-total destruction - was not difficult, and Druzil had the creature in sight in less than an hour.
For a brief moment, he could almost forget the near-total destruction of the structures that stood just beyond the palace walls.
Like most other industries of the city, they faced a near-total destruction by the Japanese.
On February 14, 1619, Trujillo was struck by an earthquake, resulting in the near-total destruction of the city and the deaths of around 400 its inhabitants.
The new tornado then passed directly through the northern half of Mattoon, causing F4 damage and "near-total destruction" in its path.
It saw true progress as inseparable from conflict and near-total destruction.
The near-total destruction of Cardassia Prime.
Miraculously, despite the near-total destruction of its neighbors, the building survived with only minor damage.
Hideyoshi moved many of Kyoto's temples to this long narrow road during his reorganization of the city in 1591 following its near-total destruction by clan warfare.