After attending school in nearby Camden, Sessions studied at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1969.
Mr. Remsen said that as a child in nearby Camden he often went downtown to watch men build boats.
Mr. Clinton opened his campaign after his nomination with a visit to nearby Camden.
When Benton was young he enjoyed gospel music, wrote songs, and sang in a Methodist church choir in nearby Camden, where his father, Willie Peay, was choir master.
He was born in Lugoff, S.C., and began singing at an early age in a Methodist church choir in nearby Camden, where his father was choir master.
In order to make way for the new station, WPUB, located in nearby Camden, South Carolina, changed its frequency from 94.3 to 102.7 in 1998.
Good, they might have said, certainly better than in big cities like Philadelphia or nearby Camden, where the races live in virtual isolation.
One was admitted to Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in nearby Camden, while the other was at Cooper University Medical Center, hospital officials said.
In contrast, nearby Camden declined from 125,000 residents in 1950 to 85,000 in 1980.
But it was there that she also found Rudolph, a civilian mechanic from nearby Camden, with a tattoo of a dagger on one shoulder and an M-16 on the other.