She described seeing the people in a nearby boat but not being able to communicate with them.
An international jury of four judges, in their new role as referees, watched closely from a nearby boat.
And for the scientists and students on a nearby boat, this was a very good thing.
About 10 minutes later two fisherman on another nearby boat said they were circled by the shark.
John tells Matt he saw a nearby boat, the same boat the couple brought to the island at the beginning of the movie.
From a nearby boat, investigators could be observed this afternoon rafting through to the dark interior.
One boy in a nearby boat stood up to stretch, while the other lay in the sun.
When they return to the beach house to investigate, Curtis is killed by a sniper on a nearby boat.
She surfaces with the dead body, returning it to a nearby boat where the diver's husband is waiting.
Things went well until he realised that someone in a nearby boat had recognised him.