UEL also delivers a range of programmes and short courses at the Barking Learning Centre in a nearby borough.
The route intersected with Toothman Road, a dead-end highway, beyond which it became known as Big Shanty Road, named after the nearby borough.
He entered Parliament for the nearby borough of Aldeburgh in 1747, for which he sat until 1761.
Club training facilities are located in the nearby southern borough of Rousso.
This buried the nearby borough of Kenfig, and its castle, of which only the tower is still visible.
Lofthouse has good road connections to its nearby boroughs as well as to the rest of northern England.
Notably, this entire entity is mutually exclusive of the other significant Bergen County Koreatown which has formed in the nearby borough of Fort Lee.
Roehampton, in the nearby borough of Wandsworth, is not normally associated with The Hampton area.
Belts of limestone lie under a part of the borough that borders Palmer Township and the nearby borough of Tatamy.
Hawley went on to serve as postmaster in the nearby borough of Muncy.