That deal helped soften the Senators' opposition to a nearby competitor for their fan base.
That prompted an angry outburst from the owner of Nick and Joe's, a nearby competitor, and ignited a miniature pizza war.
Every 60 days, each store has people check 1,900 items in a half-dozen nearby competitors to make sure prices there aren't lower.
Industry officials noted that the plan created winners as well as losers; surviving institutions would gain business from the closing or shrinking of nearby competitors.
A nearby competitor, Atwood Richards Inc., isn't confining itself to millennial trinkets.
It was, she said "not a marketing strategy based on racial demographics" but one intended to protect retailers who face stiff price challenges from nearby competitors.
All of the founders left nearby competitor, Teradyne.
The combined capacity of the building's entertainment venues is over 2000, dwarfing that of its nearby private competitors.
Banks have been closing branches steadily over the last decade as they have merged with nearby competitors and eliminated duplicate locations.
The next goldsmith they visited offered a slightly improved sixteen thousand - but only when told they had already received an offer of fifteen from a nearby competitor.