Goleta Slough is a nearby tidal estuary that empties into the Pacific Ocean.
The hydroponic method used by the company recycles water, and the company collects rainwater runoff in retention basins to reduce erosion and protect nearby estuaries.
The area is fed by the nearby estuaries of Three mile Harbor, Acabonack Creek, and Napeague, which produce ideal environments for shellfish and crustaceans.
The spill affected the inner harbor and a nearby estuary.
Discover what you can do to make a difference in your watershed, and learn more about nearby estuaries, lakes, streams, and rivers.
The nearby estuary provides further water access for boats.
The newly-hatched young leap from the nest cavity to the ground and are led by their parents on a perilous overland journey to their brooding territory in the nearby estuary.
A sea wall was constructed at the same time to prevent flooding from the nearby estuary of the River Severn.
The ground was built on reclaimed land from the nearby estuary in the town.
A children's prank causes panic at the main beach while the shark enters a nearby estuary and kills a man.