In Uganda, they are found in forests and nearby grasslands.
In southern Illinois, marsh rice rats are more likely to occur in wetlands with more herbaceous cover, visual obstruction, and nearby grasslands.
But the huge reservoir has also lowered temperatures slightly and led to winds that are now eroding the nearby grasslands.
One day, Kim went to a party at a close town with his dog, got very drunk, and fell asleep on a nearby grassland on his way home.
It feeds on insects, worms crustaceans and molluscs in nearby wet grassland and farmland.
This non-migratory species normally inhabits forested swamps, lakes, streams and nearby grassland and farm crops, and often roosts in trees at night.
Yet there was already lots of them in the nearby rough grassland, so it is not clear what they've achieved.
The reticulated python lives in rain forests, woodlands, and nearby grasslands.
It's a long, ambling walk from the village (tons of steps); from the top are superb panoramas of the lake, Friendship Peak and the nearby grasslands.
In nearby grasslands, birders peer through binoculars in search of American kestrels, northern harriers and other birds.