In trials where tapes were played in an artificial nest with quail eggs, these nests were destroyed by predators before nearby "quiet" nests.
But if they have chosen wisely, terns and skimmers from nearby nests dutifully attack the threat.
The ramapithecus knew that this charade was intended to distract her from a nearby nest; but thoughts of bird-prey were far from her simple mind.
Meanwhile, desert-dwelling harvester ants block up nearby nests in an effort to maximise their food pickings.
Pilgrim had legends of nests with almost packish intelligence, of foresters who made treaties with nearby nests for protection in return for food.
The hosts will attempt to remove as many parasitoids as possible to prevent them from spreading to nearby nests.
When nest density is high a guardian male may fertilize nearby nests when the opportunity arises.
But the multiple sting threat that a nearby nest poses should be eliminated by targeting the nest.
He waved toward the nearby machine-gun nest.
F. sanguinea workers will also raid nearby nests, stealing larvae and pupae to become future workers for F. sanguinea.