The nearest Autobahn interchanges each lie roughly 12 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is on the A 66 15 km away.
It is also as far to the nearest Autobahn interchanges.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is Montabaur on the A 3, roughly 23 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is the one near Kusel, some 25 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is Biebelnheim on the A 63, some 10 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is Wörrstadt on the A 63, some 12 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange near Kusel is some 20 km away.
The nearest Autobahn interchange on the A 661 is about 13 km from the community's centre.
The nearest Autobahn interchange is Montabaur on the A 3.