They contained indeed the nearest approximation to the truth which had yet appeared.
Is it the best that can be achieved, the nearest practicable approximation to the democratic principle?
This still seems the nearest approximation to the complicated truth.
The nearest approximation that we can find between our g' and is:
The nearest approximation within the printer's gamut will be much less saturated.
In other words, the impact of this tax on lending will be, to the nearest approximation, zero.
Jamey didn't have any friends, but Gary was the nearest approximation.
Above all, there was the church, or the parish, which offered the nearest approximation to the open, civil environments of today's public realm.
His result was some 600 yards too great; but it was the nearest approximation that had then been made in England.
George in fact was described as the nearest approximation to a Republican peace candidate.