Ziyal pressed her shoulder against the nearest bulkhead and gazed at the carpet.
Harry flew against the nearest bulkhead, taking a painful blow to his right shoulder.
And without another word, the strange man walked straight through the nearest bulkhead.
Instinctively he edged toward the nearest bulkhead, protecting his back in case of an attack.
Leaning up against the nearest bulkhead he tried to remember what happened.
A loud sigh escaped him as he leaned against the nearest bulkhead.
Reaching out to the nearest bulkhead for support, the doctor waited for the sensation to pass.
Suddenly they were interrupted by a piping from the intercom unit on the nearest bulkhead.
The lieutenant snapped his fingers at a small figure crumpled against the nearest bulkhead.
Until, of course, she hurled the computer monitor against the nearest bulkhead.