B'Elanna started tapping at the nearest crate's keypad while the others headed into the stacks.
A pistol shot rang out behind him, and he flattened as a bullet sprayed his flank with splinters from the nearest crate.
In the same motion Subay rolled toward the nearest crates, while her companion threw himself backward.
Kira screamed a curse, and flung herself across the nearest crate, steadying herself against its bulk.
Turning to the nearest crate of sufficient size, he slapped its pressure seals.
"Let's get moving," she said aloud, and stooped to adjust the antigrav unit attached to the nearest crate.
He finally slumped against the nearest crate and stared at the dimpled area around the bung.
"Could be a bomb," said Ruby, crouching down before the nearest crate and studying the lid with a professional eye.
He took a firm hold of the lid on the nearest crate and yanked it open.
At once, Retief turned to the nearest red-tagged crates, used a handy pry-bar to lever a slot free.