Between them they picked up the king's litter and ran with it for the nearest ditch.
Dressing facilities or showers were unheard of at the time and players had to tog out along the nearest ditch to the playing area.
"If a noble family cannot rebuild their own castle, in God's name let them live in the nearest ditch till they can," he declared.
I just had time to dive into the nearest ditch, dropping the bicycle on the road, before I heard another shower of bullets.
The assault ramps were almost up to the nearest ditch.
The enemy crossed the nearest ditch, encountering massed missile fire from both levels.
From the way he's been carrying on he'd leave the three of us lying in the nearest ditch.
She estimated that the nearest ditches were about eight meters wide and three or four meters deep.
It had an odd habit of swerving suddenly and heading for the nearest ditch, as though it preferred ditches to a metalled surface.
If you are unable to do so, because your nearest ditch is already filled with vehicles, you may instead precipitate either a rear-ender or a fender-bender.