He said firefighters had found the nearest hydrant, on Audubon Avenue, as well as another, around a corner on 178th Street, blocked by illegal parkers.
How close was the nearest hydrant?
Piddle on the nearest hydrant, Clark, and then we'll get out of here.
In case of a fire, this was the procedure used: Someone ran to ring the fire bell while everyone else near the fire ran to the hose cart to fasten the hose to the nearest hydrant.
"How far are we from the nearest dedicated hydrant?"
A department spokesman said last night that the unit, Engine Company 270 in Richmond Hill, where the fire occurred, had been assigned the lead role in putting out the fire - getting water from the nearest hydrant to the house, in which two men died.
The vehicle will lay out its hose at the nearest hydrant or open source, and then drive to the fireground with the hose laying off the back.
Water had to be ferried from the nearest hydrant using a bowser.
He knew there was no chance to find a parking place, so he pulled in at the nearest hydrant.
The fire department wants to know, when a 911 emergency call comes in, where the nearest hydrant is.