Four blacks were standing under the lamp at the nearest intersection, three men and a woman, talking.
Two identical black Cadillacs turned the corner of the nearest intersection and came towards the hotel entrance, slowing.
The nearest intersection with the A3 motorway can be found at Rheinfelden.
Stile picked her up and carried her toward the nearest intersection of the curtain.
It was a comparatively short distance to the nearest intersection.
But just to be safe, during the next snowfall, head to the nearest intersection, look both ways and step gingerly.
Structures, equipment or architectural details may be located in reference to the floor and the nearest intersection of the arbitrary axes.
If the stack is empty, the nearest intersection of all pierced leafs is returned.
They picked their way to the nearest intersection and he turned the light on the street sign.
He tugged the stubborn burden of Charla all the way to the nearest intersection, stopping frequently to look around for something suitable.