Like the others, they approached the nearest openings in the fence.
I went down, rolled in approved fashion, came up and dived for the nearest oval opening.
They turned to the right and rode to the nearest opening in the wall.
First squad went through the nearest opening, herding their militiamen along a little roughly.
Far to the right, between two tall pylons of metal, was a gate, the nearest opening in the web.
Thrusting his hand into the nearest opening, he found that it was deep enough to accommodate his arm to the elbow.
They hurried down the nearest opening, immediately spinning around and racing back.
Leaving Fos- katt where he was, he went to the nearest opening to look within.
When Joe reached the wall, he tossed a grenade through the nearest opening, then ducked to the side.
Quickly, but without panic, they moved into the nearest opening.