The nearest outpost was months away at warp four.
Possibly when these had been achieved she might seriously consider an attempt to fight her way to one of civilization's nearest outposts.
"Their nearest outpost is three miles northeast of us," Morrolan began without preamble.
The nearest outpost of civilization was very far from here, even by hover car.
Tonight I'll sneak out and take it to his nearest outpost.
I'll slip up to the camp of the nearest outpost, wrap the note around a pebble and throw it among them.
The nearest friendly outpost lay a hard day's march northward.
He'd either be blown out of the water or stranded in the jungle miles from the nearest outpost.
The driver stage, even in hyperspace, would have a range so limited that it wouldn't reach the nearest outpost.
He was miles from the nearest outpost of the modern world, in a great frozen snow-covered waste.