Their nearest pursuer was the 43-year-old Figg-Currier, the winner of one tournament during her 20-year career.
It was fine to run like this, Menolly thought, putting yet another rise between her and her nearest pursuers.
Nicklaus was the nearest pursuer, eight shots back at 209.
With 250 or 300 yards left and the nearest pursuers more than two minutes behind, the four leaders were almost crawling.
He finished with 225 points, and Smith, his nearest pursuer, had 68.5 points.
Last year, she finished more than a half-mile ahead of her nearest pursuer.
Huston's two nearest pursuers are driving the ball extremely well.
He pounded up the stairs, twenty yards ahead of his nearest pursuer, and slammed hard against the front door.
Love is the most seasoned of the nearest pursuers.
Behind him, an arc of blue fire lanced into the nearest pursuers, burning them to ash.