Visitors to its Web site can enter their ZIP codes and get driving directions to the nearest retailer that has Fuji equipment for making digital prints.
This summer, Fuji plans to set up links that let customers upload photos directly from the Fuji site to the nearest retailer, then pick up the pictures the same day.
Ship-to-Store Manufacturers can also use ship-to-store as a way of ensuring that online orders can be fulfilled even if the nearest retailer doesn't have product in stock.
Users can type an address or zip code to find their nearest retailers.
If you stumble across something that seems promising, you can order samples online (for $4.99 each, for instance, from or search by ZIP code for the nearest local retailer (at
Even companies that do use boilerplate replies tend to reserve them for only the most common questions - as Nike, does, for example, with queries about the location of the nearest retailer.
Experience the feel of the Passat CC and book a test drive from your nearest retailer.
These and all other oils, mediums and varnishes are explained in the Winsor & Newton leaflet, 'Oils, Mediums, Varnishes and Solvents', available from your nearest retailer.