Though the shadow failed to hide them completely, at least it kept away the direct brightness of the full moon and the nearest streetlight.
The moon was vague, the nearest streetlight a block away, and we could not see each other well.
The nearest streetlight was partly blocked by leaves that shifted in the breeze and the moon was flitting in and out behind the clouds, so the house kept changing as he watched.
The nearest streetlight was a block away.
He checked the plaza, peering into shadows that de- fied the nearest streetlights, wondering if death were waiting for him there.
The nearest streetlight was a couple hundred feet away, and there was a big maple tree in Daniels' yard that cast thick black shadow all over the front of the house.
The house was dark except for a porch light above the door, and the nearest streetlight was too far away to shed light upon the willow tree.
When they were under the nearest streetlight he said, "I'll kill you if I have to, Charlotte.
The nearest streetlight was down at the corner.
She looked at it, studying as well as she could in the relative dark; the nearest streetlight is half a block away.