At the end of each movie trailer, instead of referring people to newspapers for local theater listings, the commercial named the nearest theater showing the movie.
The nearest multiscreen theater, King's Park in Brooklyn, is overcrowded with people and cars and has a much worse atmosphere than Sunrise, they say.
Blessy Chettiar of DNA India rated it with 4 stars and said - "Run to the nearest theatre and surrender yourself to charm of Vicky and his team.
The nearest theatre is a small local operation located in Philadelphia, Mississippi.
Using the G.P.S. and MSN data, the 680 can direct drivers to the nearest theater showing "Breach" and determine if they will make it on time.
The nearest theaters are in West Hampton, Southampton and Riverhead.
His village still does not have television, and the nearest theatre is 25 kilometers away.
For summer spectacle, the nearest theater is another Pavilion at the other end of Park Slope, on 15th Street and Prospect Park West.
The nearest theatres or shopping malls are more than 45 miles away.
Indeed, even going to the movies requires getting into the car; the nearest theaters are in Great Barrington and in Millerton, N.Y., half an hour away.