Canon Pennyfather, fortified by breakfast, wandered across the lounge, remembered to leave his key at the desk, pushed his way through the swinging doors, and was neatly inserted into a taxi by the Irish commissionaire who existed for this purpose.
In his usual skillful style, The Shadow was here, then gone, employing tactics that were calculated to draw foemen in a mad surge that he could nip with a neatly inserted flank attack.
He was remembering a statement that Andrew had neatly inserted when talking to detectives after the fray.
Ron Wynn of Allmusic noted the album's aesthetic being the same as when Sermon was still in EPMD; "fat, crunching basslines, neatly inserted samples lifted mainly from Zapp, tight vocal edits, and Sermon's mush-mouthed, deadpan raps."
Files aren't neatly inserted into manila folders, they're computerized, and any senior department head with the proper codes throughout the entire intelligence community can access them.
There are times when Leonard Porter's meticulously rendered mythological figures seem to be striving for the broad values of Classicism, yet his neatly inserted exaggerations of dark and light contrasts yield an uneasy quality.
With the frog neatly inserted inside the knapsack, Cindy carefully zipped the top.
Scott carefully uncapped the maintenance scope hole, moved aside a neatly inserted (and nearly indetectable) circle in the wall of the scope hole, inserted a funnel, and began to pour in the mash and pure water that were the base of his recipe.
Data sped by in her ears, as Wiseguy had neatly inserted itself into the conversation, assuming Shanna's persona, using some electromagnetic dodge.
It seemed natural for Paul to take her hand and lead her down the centre aisle between the high wooden pews with their carved ends, each with its card, neatly inserted in its brass holder, bearing the names of its occupants.