Cornelia offers a platter of turkey sandwiches with the crusts neatly removed.
Neatly removing cash from people who spend it to give to people who don't.
They clapped when the crane neatly removed the shack from Friedrichstrasse to a side alley.
For example, they will burrow straight into a head of lettuce rather than neatly removing tissue from one particular leaf.
Twice the new blade slid too sharply sideways, neatly removing tiny segments of skin.
When I was young, my greatest satisfactions came from neatly removing a diseased uterus or skillfully wielding a pair of forceps.
It's a full-block derelict, closed since 1976, but all the more surprising because it is such a tidy derelict, with its windows neatly removed.
Recently, the city's Department of General Services, which owns and administers the property, neatly removed all the windows.
The cucumber-and-egg-salad sandwiches, with their crusts neatly removed, set the tone Sofia sought.